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Geomagic Control X

Geomagic Control X from 3D Systems is professional metrology software that enables you to capture and process data from 3D scanners and other devices to measure, analyze and communicate inspection results for quality assurance anywhere.

With Control X you will significantly speed up the control processes in your company.

Intelligent control

Geomagic Control X allows for easy dimensioning, similar to CAD. It is the only point cloud program that recognizes entities. This eliminates the need to define reference geometry before extracting dimensions or tolerances.

For parts with hundreds of dimensions or tolerances, this feature can save many hours of work and reduce the risk of error. - Geomagic control X 2 (1) - Geomagic control X 3 (1)

Use both contact and scan measurement data interchangeably

The software allows the use of multi-million point clouds created as a result of 3D scanning. It also supports many devices that allow for contact measurement using a unique interface known from LiveInspect or Geomagic programs.

Each measurement taken, regardless of whether it was made contact or non-contact, is recorded in the Control X history tree. It can be used throughout the duration of the inspection.

Control X has the tools to meet rigorous quality control requirements, so you can meet the most complex metrology challenges.

With Geomagic Control X you can solve the most difficult measurement problems, from simple alignments and color maps.

Automatic control made easier and more efficient

Geomagic Control X records every step of the inspection process, so once one part is inspected, each subsequent part can be inspected automatically. Control X recognizes features on the scan and measures them without user interaction.

The workflow is extremely simple and intuitive, making setting up the control process easy to perform. The program saves all operations and parameters related to the control. Thanks to this, the control of the entire batch of elements is much shorter because the program automatically repeats the saved process without user intervention. - Geomagic control X 4 (1)

Where can Geomagic Control X be used? - Geomagic control X (1)

Why choose Geomagic Control X?

  • Easy to Learn Don’t have time to become an expert in inspection software? Control X is for you. Start getting results with little or no training.
  • Everything You Need Control X includes everything you need for professional control. You don’t pay extra for CAD importers, post-scan mesh processing tools, or patch analysis capabilities.
  • Born to work with your 3D scanner Make the most of your 3D scanner with software designed from the ground up to work with it. Control X works with any 3D scanner, so you can add more devices and keep a common software interface across them.
  • Fast to use Control X is flexible – it follows the way you work, not the other way around. Native scanning algorithms built on the CAD core make handling huge data sets fast and easy.

For more information,
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